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CCBS Graduate Opportunities


Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Cognitive and Brain Sciences

The purpose of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Cognitive and Brain Sciences is to provide graduate students with interdisciplinary training in Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience. The GIS will provide students working in disciplines related to Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, including Biophysics, Computer Science and Engineering, Education, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Linguistics, Philosophy, Psychology, Speech and Hearing Sciences, and foreign languages, with the opportunity to broaden their theoretical and methodological training beyond the limits of their home discipline. The GIS in cognitive and brain sciences consists of at least four courses totaling 11 credit hours.


Consilience: The CCBS Student Organization

Consilience: The CCBS Student Organization will help to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaborative projects aimed at combining different scientific approaches to understand the underlying phenomena. In addition, Consilience: The CCBS Student Organization will strive to increase awareness and communication between the disciplines so that graduate students can take advantage of what the disciplines outside of their own have to offer.