Congratulations to all past CCBS Summer Graduate Research Award recipients.
The Center is ecstatic to support outstanding students each year. Select from the following drop-down menus to view all past winners.
Ada Lamba
- Curating a Large Dataset for Predicting Word-Level Speech Intelligibility of Real-World Recordings
- Home Department: Computer Science Engineering, advised by Dr. Donald Williamson
- Visiting Department: Speech and Hearing Science, advised by Dr. Sarah Yoho Leopold
Alyssa Allen
- Spanish/English Bilingual Speaker Phonetic Alignment to Machine Interlocutors
- Home Department: Linguistics, advised by Dr. Kathryn Campbell-Kibler
- Visiting Department: Spanish & Portuguese, advised by Dr. Rebeka Campos-Astorkiza
Amy Chun
- Adaptive User Engagement in Interactive Dialogue Systems with Large Language Models and Reinforcement
- Home Department: Computer Science Engineering, advised by Dr. Andrew Perrault
- Visiting Department: Linguistics, advised by Dr. Michael White
Izabela Jamsek
- Parental Sensitivity, Intrusiveness, and Child Language: Effects of Child Hearing Status and Time
- Home Department: Speech & Hearing Science, advised by Dr. Rachael Frush Holt
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Laura Wagner
Jane Hu
- Mapping Believes and Attitudes underlying Public Opinions: Hilbert Space Multi-Dimensional Theory
- Home Department: Communication, advised by Dr. Zheng Joyce Wang
- Visiting Department: Political Science, advised by Dr. Alexander Wendt
Pedro Antonio Ortiz Ramírez
- Inhibitory control and vocabulary size differentially predicting scalar implicatures in monolingual and bilingual children.
- Home Department: Spanish & Portuguese, advised by Dr. John Grinstead
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Laura Wagner
Victoria Sevich
- The contribution of voice cue weighting to speech perception in adults with cochlear implants
- Home Department: Speech & Hearing Science, advised by Dr. Janet Weisenberger
- Visiting Department: Linguistics, advised by Dr. Cynthia Clopper
Emily Napoli
- First language dialect experience as a source of individual differences in vowel acquisition
- Home Department: Linguistics, advised by Dr. Cynthia Clopper
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Mark Pitt
Gerardo Lopez
- Exploring the Perception of Synthesized Voices within a Musical Context
- Home Department: Music, advised by Dr. Anna Gawboy
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Laura Wagner
Nicole Viola
- Developing QUEST (Quitting Using Executive function Strategy Training) Tobacco Cessation Component Development for Youth Experiencing Homelessness with Acquired Brain Injury
- Home Department: Speech & Hearing, advised by Dr. Jennifer Lundine
- Visiting Department: Public Health, advised by Dr. Julianna Nemeth
Seyed Ali Alavi Bajestan
- Detecting Auditory Selective Attention from EEG Data using Deep Neural Networks
- Home Department: Computer Science and Engineering, advised by Dr. Donald Williamson
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Mark Pitt
Xiaozhi Yang
- Gaze influences political decision making: a combine computational modelling and eye-tracking approach
- Home Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Ian Krajbich
- Visiting Department: Communication, advised by Dr. Jason Coronel
Yu Jin Song
- The role of cognitive ability in processing prosodic prominence by adults and children
- Home Department: Linguistics, advised by Dr. Shari Speer
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Laura Wagner
Zachary Lookenbill
- "We Got the Beat": Synchronization and Beat Perception in Marching Band and Drumline
- Home Department: Music, advised by Dr. Anna Gawboy
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Rosalee Meyer
Jingyi Chen
- Modeling language acquisition from speech with neural networks
- Home Department: Linguistics, advised by Dr. Micha Elsner
- Visiting Department: Computer Science and Engineering, advised by Dr. Eric Fosler-Lussier
Zachary Lookenbill
- A Game of Musical Telephone: Using Iterated Learning to Understand the Transmission of Musical Tempo
- Home Department: Music, advised by Dr. Daniel Shanahan
- Visiting Department: Communications, advised by Dr. Robert Bond
Christopher Holt
- Investigating the linguistic bias in speech-language pathologists with three dialects
- Home Department: Speech & Hearing, advised by Dr. Robert Allen Fox
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Laura Wagner
Jory Ross
- Encoding Flexibility and Attentional Constraints on Socioindexical Perception
- Home Department: Linguistics, advised by Dr. Cynthia Clopper
- Visiting Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Laura Wagner
Jessica Stark
- Exploring the Roles of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Episodic Memory and Cerebral Blood Flow in Healthy Older Adults
- Home Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Scott Hayes
- Visiting Department: Clinical Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, advised by Dr. Deb Kegelmeyer
Anita Shankar
- Inflammation-Related Neural Correlates of Cognitive Function in Older Adults
- Home Department: Psychology, advised by Dr. Ruchika Prakash
- Visiting Department: Psychiatry, advised by Dr. Jan Kiecolt-Glaser
Shanmukha Battula
- Improving Intelligibility of Reverberant Speech in combined Speech and Non-speech Interference
- Home Department: Computer Science Engineering
- Visiting Department: Speech and Hearing Sciences
- Advisors: Dr. DeLiang Wang and Dr. Eric Healy
Preston Lennon
- Aphantasia and Conscious Thought
- Home Department: Philosophy
- Visiting Department: Psychology
- Advisors: Dr. Declan Smithies and Dr. Alex Petrov
Holly Lind-Combs
- Using Dynamic Time Warping and Levenshtein Distances to Predict Variability in Perception of Non-Ambient Accents
- Home Department: Speech and Hearing Sciences
- Visiting Department: Linguistics
- Advisors: Dr. Rachael Frush Holt and Dr. Cynthia Clopper
Michael McKenna
- Validating and Extending a Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity Model of Alzheimer's Disease Pathology
- Home Department: Psychology
- Visiting Department: Neurology
- Advisors: Dr. Ruchika Prakash and Dr. Douglas Scharre
Connor Rouillier
- Delimiting the Boundary Between Object File Representation and Ensemble Representation of Plural Objects and its Interaction With Morphological Form
- Home Department: Linguistics
- Visiting Department: Psychology
- Advisors: Dr. Andrea Sims and Dr. Nikole Patson
Kristina Bowdrie
- Effects of Parental Self Efficacy and Involvement in Early Intervention
- Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Dr. Rachael Frush Holt
Samantha Burgess
- Visual Cues as an Aid in the Auditory Segregation of Music
- Department of Music Theory, Dr. Laura Wagner
Sammy Gardner
- Situating Gesture in Musical Understanding
- Department of Music, Dr. Laura Wagner
Eric Johnson
- Improving Speech Intelligibility Using Machine Learning
- Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Dr. DeLiang Wang
Victoria Sevich
- Are Phonological Representations in CI Users Similar to "Normal"?
- Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Dr. Cynthia Clopper
Bethany Frick
- Lexical Categories in Children with Autism who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Home Department: Speech and Hearing Science; Advisor: Allison Bean
- Visiting Department: Psychology; Advisor: Laura Wagner
Eric Johnson
- Using AI to Solve the Speech-in-Noise Problem
- Home Department: Speech & Hearing Science; Advisor: Eric Healy
- Visiting Department: Computer Science and Engineering; Advisor: DiLiang Wang
Elizabeth Monzingo
- MRI Investigation of Neural Differences in Aural Skills between Pianists and Non-Pianist Musicians
- Home Department: Music; Advisor: Daniel Shanahan
- Visiting Department: Speech & Hearing Science; Advisor: Yune Lee
Lindsey Reymore
- Investigating the Neural Bases of Crossmodal Descriptions of Musical Timbre
- Home Department: Music; Advisor: Dan Shanahan
- Visiting Department: Speech and Hearing Science; Advisor: Yune Lee
Ben Seicol
- Characterization of calcium-dependent changes in synaptic function of the endbulb of Held in the cochlear nucleus following noise-induced hearing loss in young mice.
- Home Department: Otolaryngology; Advisor: Ruili Xie
- Visiting Department: Speech and Hearing Sciences; Advisor: Yune Lee
Nicholas Shea
- Ecological Models of Communication in Vernacular Musical Styles
- Home Department: Music Theory; Advisor: Anna Gawboy
- Visiting Department: Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design; Advisor: Vita Berezina-Blackburn
Ying Yu
- Testing the Appearance of Change in 3D Shape in a Virtual-Reality Environment
- Home Department: Psychology; Advisor: Alexander Petrov
- Visiting Department: Department of Philosophy; Computer Science and Engineering; Advisor: Declan Smithies; Jian Chen
Aaron Argall
- A Programmable Neural Interface Mimicking Synaptic Plasticity
- Home Department: College of Medicine, Advisor: Min Zhou
- Visiting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering , Advisor: Liang Guo
Andrew Blank
- Contributions of Caregiver Stress and Self-Efficacy to Neurocognitive Outcomes for Children with Hearing Loss
- Home Department: Speech and Hearing Science, Advisor: Rachael Frush Holt
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Advisor: Dr. Laura Wagner
Qianli Feng
- A PCA functional alignment in fMRI multi-voxel pattern analysis
- Home Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering; Advisor: Aleix Martinez
- Visiting Department: Psychology; Advisor: Julie Golomb
Trevor Marcho
- Exploring the effects of music and movement on cognitive behaviors of patients with Parkinson's Disease: A pilot study
- Home Department: Music; Advisor: Eugenia Costa-Giomi
- Visiting Department: Speech & Hearing Science; Advisor: Yune Lee
Lindsey Reymore
- Color and Tone Color: Audio-Visual Crossmodal Correspondences with Musical Instrument Timbre
- Home Department: Music; Advisor: Anna Gawboy
- Visiting Department: Psychology; Advisor: Delwin Lindsey
Lifeng Jin
- Help training better doctors: deep paraphrase detection with semi-supervision for virtual patients
- Home Department: Linguistics, Advisor: Dr. William Schuler
- Visiting Department: Computer Science and Engineering, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Eric Fosler-Lussier
Zack Jones
- Processing indexical phonetic variability in children
- Home Department: Linguistics, Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Clopper
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Laura Wagner
Katherine Miller
- Children’s Perceptual Capabilities with a Near Accent and a Distant Dialect
- Home Department: Speech and Hearing Science, Advisor: Dr. Rachael Frush Holt
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Laura Wagner
Ramprakash Srinivasan
- A Common Neural Basis for Production, Recalling and Perception of Facial Actions in Humans
- Home Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Advisor: Dr. Aleix Martinez
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Julie Golomb
Jordan Vasko
- Parameter Optimization for a Technique to Segregate Speech from Noise for Individuals with Hearing Loss
- Home Department: Speech and Hearing Science, Advisor: Dr. Eric Healy
- Visiting Department: Computer Science and Engineering, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Deliang Wang
Ying Yu
- The Veridicality of Human 3D Shape Perception
- Home Department: Psychology, Advisor: Dr. Alex Petrov
- Visiting Department: Philosophy, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Declan Smithies
Lucia Bennetti
- Musical Scoundscapes of Deaf Infants
- Home Department: Music, Advisor: Dr. Eugenia Costa-Giomi
- Visiting Department: Otolarynology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Derek Houston
Brittney Carter
- Testing an Advanced Technique to Derive Speech Band Importance Functions
- Home Department: Speech & Hearing Science, Advisor: Dr. Eric Healy
- Visiting Department: Eye and Ear Institute, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Federick Apoux
Jordan Prox
- A Biological Brain Pacemaker for Selective Neuronal Pacing in the Hippocampus Ex Vivo
- Home Department: Neuroscience, Advisor: Dr. Min Zhou
- Visiting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Liang Guo
Brittney Schirda
- A Multilevel Examination of Trait Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation in Multiple Sclerosis
- Home Department: Psychology, Advisor: Dr. Ruchika Prakash
- Visiting Department: Neurology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Michael Racke
Lindsay Warrenburg
- Evaluating Emotional Perspective Induced by Music Listening
- Home Department: Music, Advisor: Dr. David Huron
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Lisa Libby
Xiao Wu
- Investigate the Neural Substrates of Phonological Access by Using an Artificial Language
- Home Department: Psychology, Advisor: Dr. Zhong-Lin Lu
- Visiting Department: East Asian Language and Literature, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Marjorie Chan
Daniel Berman
- Topographic Maps of Depth in Human Visual Cortex
- Home Department: Psychology, Advisor: Dr. Julie Golomb
- Visiting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Aleix Martinez
Ellen Dossey
- Effect of Social Biases on Phonetic Imitation
- Home Department: Linguistics, Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Clopper
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Laura Wagner
Tarek Farouni
- Decoding the Pixels of Face Image from the Voxels of fMRI BOLD Activity Patterns
- Home Department: Psychology, Advisor: Dr. Zhong-Lin Lu
- Visiting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Aleix Martinez
Ramprakash Srinvasan
- Understanding Facial Expressions of Emotion - A Functional Neuro-Imaging
- Home Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Advisor: Dr. Aleix Martinez
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Julie Golomb
Caitlyn Trevor
- Animated Performance: "Better" Music Means Larger Movements
- Home Department: Music, Advisor: Dr. David Huron
- Visiting Department: Design/ACCAD, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Maria Palazzi
Yongchen Wang
- Highly Efficient Acoustic Neural Stimulation Enabled by Piezoelectric Zinc Oxide Nanowires
- Home Department: Biomedical Engineering, Advisor: Dr. Gunjan Agarwal
- Visiting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering & Neuroscience, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Liang Guo
Claire Arthur
- Can Distractors Inhibit a ‘Chills’ Response to Music?
- Home Department: Music, Advisor: Dr. David Huron
- Visiting Department: Psycholog, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Andrew Leber
Evan Jaffe
- A Novel Word Space Model for Measuring Semantic Similarity
- Home Department: Linguistics, Advisor: Dr. William Schuler
- Visiting Department: Computer Science and Engineering, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Eric Fosler-Lussier
Kodi Weatherholtz
- The Bounds of Flexibility in Spoken Word Recognition: Cross-talker and Cross-system Generalization of Perceptual Learning for Speech
- Home Department: Linguistics, Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Clopper
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Mark Pitt
Hyungwook Yim
- Genetic and Neural Basis of Episodic Memory Development
- Home Department: Psychology, Advisor: Dr. Vladimir Sloutsky
- Visiting Department: Pediatrics, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Christopher Bartlett
Sarah Yoho
- Improving Extraction of Speech from Noise Using a Novel “Variable-LC” Technique
- Home Department: Speech and Hearing Science, Advisor: Dr. Eric Healy
- Visiting Department: Computer Science and Engineering, Visiting Advisor: Dr. DeLiang Wang
Claire Arthur
- Investigating Talent as a Factor of Music Appreciation
- Home Department: School of Music, Advisor: Dr. David Hurron
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Andrew Leber
Nathan Condit-Schultz
- Rhyme and Rhythmic Organization in Poetry and Rap
- Home Department: School of Music, Advisor: Dr. David Hurron
- Visiting Department: Linguistics, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Mary E. Beckerman
Alisha Janssen
- Cognitive Training for Relapsing- Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: Broad Transfer to Executive Functioning Attention and Manual Dexterity
- Home Department: Psychology, Advisor: Dr. Ruckika Shaurya Prakash
- Visiting Department: Neurology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Aaron Boster
Qingyang Yan
- The Development of Perceptual Dialect Categories from Childhood through Adulthood
- Home Department: Linguistics, Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Clopper
- Visiting Department: Psychology, Visiting Advisor: Dr. Laura Wagner
Hyungwook Yim
- Developmental Mechanisms for Episodic Memory