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CCBS Membership

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Become a CCBS Member

Fill out the following questionnaire to join our growing network of academics!

CCBS Members should be academic affiliates of the Center (faculty, staff, students, post docs). Members will be encouraged to participate in center activities and events that focus on collaboration, networking and research. 

As a member of CCBS, you will be enrolled in the CCBS Member email list. This list will be used to announce center events, colloquiums, student fellowships and other exciting news. 

Members can be featured on the CCBS People page. Though optional, we do encourage members to be featured in order to facilitate networking opportunities. 

Please email CCBS@osu.edu with any questions or if you are already a member and need your profile information updated.


Membership Information
Do you wish to be a member of the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences?
Personal Information
(faculty or staff title, student/post doc)
(If you do not have a professional URL, please provide your Department URL)

Upload a professional photo of yourself if you would like to include one on your membership profile.

Upload requirements

Information message

As a member of CCBS, you will be enrolled in the CCBS Member email list. Members may unsubscribe at any time, though they risk missing center news and opportunities. 

Members can submit announcements for CCBS-related events and activities occurring in their departments at cog-announce@lists.service.ohio-state.edu.