Announcing the 2022 CCBS GRA Recipients

The Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences is proud to announce our 2022 Summer Graduate Research Award recipients.
At the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences (CCBS), we are committed to supporting student research during both undergraduate and graduate careers. Every year, we award Summer Graduate Research Awards to a select group of graduate students who demonstrate academic excellence in the field of cognitive and brain sciences. This annual program fosters interdisciplinary collaboration across the Ohio State University.
Many thanks to all of the graduate students for their thoughtful proposals. The CCBS review committee was impressed with the high degree of scholarship demonstrated by this year's applicants. The following students were awarded summer funding:

Jingyi Chen
Project Title: Modeling language acquisition from speech with neural networks
Home Dept: Linguistics, advised by Micha Elsner
Visiting Dept: Computer Science and Engineering, advised by Eric Fosler-Lussier

Zachary Lookenbill
Project Title: A Game of Musical Telephone: Using Iterated Learning to Understand the Transmission of Musical Tempo
Home Dept: Music, advised by Daniel Shananhan
Visiting Dept: Communications, advised by Robert Bond

Christopher Holt
Project Title: Investigating the linguistic bias in speech-language pathologists with three dialects
Home Dept: Speech & Hearing, advised by Robert Allen Fox
Visiting Dept: Psychology, advised by Laura Wagner

John Ross
Project Title: Encoding Flexibility and Attentional Constraints on Socioindexical Perception
Home Dept: Linguistics, advised by Cynthia Clopper
Visiting Dept: Psychology, advised by Laura Wagner

Jessica Stark
Project Title: Exploring the Roles of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Episodic Memory and Cerebral Blood Flow in Healthy Older Adults
Home Dept: Psychology, advised by Scott Hayes
Visiting Dept: Clinical Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, advised by Deb Kegelmeyer

Anita Shankar
Project Title: Inflammation-Related Neural Correlates of Cognitive Function in Older Adults
Home Dept: Psychology, advised by Ruchika Prakash
Visiting Dept: Psychiatry, advised by Jan Kiecolt-Glaser
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