Summer GRA Winners Announced!

March 31, 2016

Summer GRA Winners Announced!

CCBS round logo, four parts

Summer Graduate Research Award Winners Announced!

The Center of Cognitive and Brain Sciences, together with participating faculty and departments, held its annual Competition for the Summer GRA in the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences. GRAs will be awarded to each of the following recipients for Summer 2016!

Congratulations to the following recipients:



Lucia Bennetti

Proposal: Musical Soundscapes of Deaf Infants

·         Home Department: Music
·         Advisor: Dr. Eugenia Costa-Giomi
·         Visiting Department: Otolarynology - Head and Neck Surgery
·         Visiting Advisor: Dr. Derek Houston

Brittney Carter

Proposal: Testing an Advanced Technique to Derive Speech Band Importance Functions

·         Home Department: Speech and Hearing Science
·         Advisor: Dr. Eric Healy
·         Visiting Department: Eye and Ear Institute
·         Visiting Advisor: Dr. Frederic Apoux

Jordan Prox

Proposal: A Biological Brain Pacemaker for Selective Neuronal Pacing in the Hippocampus Ex Vivo

·         Home Department: Neuroscience
·         Advisor: Dr. Min Zhou
·         Visiting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
·         Visiting Advisor: Dr. Liang Guo

Brittney Schirda

Proposal: A Multilevel Examination of Trait Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation in Multiple Sclerosis

·         Home Department: Psychology
·         Advisor: Dr. Ruchika Prakash
·         Visiting Department: Neurology
·         Visiting Advisor: Dr. Michael Racke

Lindsay Warrenburg

Proposal: Evaluating Emotional Perspective  Induced by Music Listening

·         Home Department: Music Theory
·         Advisor: Dr. David Huron
·         Visiting Department: Psychology
·         Visiting Advisor: Dr. Lisa Libby

Xiao Wu

Proposal: Investigate the Neural Substrates of Phonological Access by Using an Artificial Language

·         Home Department: Psychology
·         Advisor: Dr. Zhong-Lin Lu
·         Visiting Department: East Asian Language and Literature
·         Visiting Advisor: Dr. Marjorie Chan