Summer GRA Winners Announced

Summer Graduate Research Award Winners Announced!
The Center of Cognitive and Brain Sciences, together with participating faculty and departments, held its annual competition for the Summer GRA in the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences. GRAs will be awarded to each of the following recipients for Summer 2018!
Congratulations to the following recipients:
Aaron Argall
Proposal: A Programmable Neural Interface Mimicking Synaptic Plasticity
- Home Department: College of Medicine
- Advisor: Min Zhou
- Visiting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Visiting Advisor: Liang Guo
Andrew Blank
Proposal: Contributions of Caregiver Stress and Self-Efficacy to Neurocognitive Outcomes for Children with Hearing Loss
- Home Department: Speech & Hearing Science
- Advisor: Rachael Frush Holt
- Visiting Deparment: Psychology
- Visiting Advisor: Laura Wagner
Qianli Feng
Proposal: A PCA functional alignment in fMRI multi-voxel pattern analysis
- Home Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Home Advisor: Aleix Martinez
- Visiting Department: Psychology
- Visiting Advisor: Julie Golomb
Trevor Marcho
Proposal: Exploring the effects of music and movement on cognitive behaviors of patients with Parkinson's Disease: A pilot study
- Home Department: Music
- Home Advisor: Eugenia Costa-Giomi
- Visiting Department: Speech & Hearing Science
- Visiting Advisor: Yune Lee
Lindsey Reymore
Proposal: Color and Tone Color: Audio-Visual Crossmodal Correspondences with Musical Instrument Timbre
- Home Department: Music
- Home Advisor: Anna Gawboy
- Visiting Department: Psychology
- Visiting Advisor: Delwin Lindsey