Summer GRA Winners Announced

Summer Graduate Research Award Winners Announced!
The Center of Cognitive and Brain Sciences, together with participating faculty and departments, held its annual competition for the Summer GRA in the Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences. GRAs will be awarded to each of the following recipients for Summer 2019!
Congratulations to the following recipients:
Bethany Frick
Proposal: Lexical Categories in Children with Autism who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Home Department: Speech and Hearing Science
- Advisor: Allison Bean
- Visiting Department: Psychology
- Visiting Advisor: Laura Wagner
Eric Johnson
Proposal: Using AI to Solve the Speech-in-Noise Problem
- Home Department: Speech & Hearing Science
- Advisor: Eric Healy
- Visiting Department: Computer Science and Engineering
- Visiting Advisor: DiLiang Wang
Elizabeth Monzingo
Proposal: MRI Investigation of Neural Differences in Aural Skills between Pianists and Non-Pianist Musicians
- Home Department: Music
- Home Advisor: Daniel Shanahan
- Visiting Department: Speech & Hearing Science
- Visiting Advisor: Yune Lee
Lindsey Reymore
Proposal: Investigating the Neural Bases of Crossmodal Descriptions of Musical Timbre
- Home Department: Music
- Home Advisor: Dan Shanahan
- Visiting Department: Speech and Hearing Science
- Visiting Advisor: Yune Lee
Ben Seicol
Proposal: Neuromodulation of Neurogenic Inflammatory Circuitry in Vitro
- Home Department: Neuroscience
- Advisor: Candice Askwith
- Visiting Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Visiting Advisor: Liang Guo
Nicholas Shea
Proposal: Ecological Models of Communication in Vernacular Musical Styles
- Home Department: Music
- Home Advisor: Anna Gawboy
- Visiting Department: Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- Visiting Advisor: Vita Berezina-Blackburn
Ying Yu
Proposal: Testing the Appearance of Change in 3D Shape in a Virtual-Reality Environment
- Home Department: Psychology
- Home Advisor: Alexander Petrov
- Visiting Department: Department of Philosophy; Computer Science and Engineering
- Visiting Advisor: Declan Smithies; Jian Chen