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Winners of the Cognitive and Brain Sciences Undergraduate Poster Session

April 10, 2023

Winners of the Cognitive and Brain Sciences Undergraduate Poster Session

Undergraduate presenters at the 2023 CCBS poster session

The 2023 Undergraduate Poster Session was held on Friday, March 24 at the Ohio Union. This annual event provides a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to share their research with the Cognitive Science community at Ohio State and interact with faculty and students from across the University who are also working on questions related to human cognition, including learning, memory, perception, language, and decision making, from behavioral, applied, computational modeling, and cognitive neuroscience perspectives.


Congratulations to the Winning Presenters:

1st: Michael Melville

Project Title: Light and vigorous bouts of acute aerobic exercise positively impact sustained attention and inhibition but not pattern separation in young adults

Major: Biomedical Informatics

Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Scott M. Hayes


2nd: Ajuna Mwesigye

Project Title: Relationship between brain response to language tasks and performance on behavioral metrics in children.

Major: Neuroscience

Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Zeynep M. Saygin


3rd: Phelix Rodriguez

Project Title: Are illusory objects used strategically to optimize visual working memory?

Major: Neuroscience

Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Andrew Leber


The Center thanks all of the incredible undergraduate presenters who participated in this year's research event. We enjoyed your innovative presentations and wish you the best of luck in all future endeavors!