“Computational Models of Face Recognition: Where are we now? Where do we go next?” – 11/16/13, CCBS Colloquium Series, with ECE Department. Alice O’Toole of University of Texas -Dallas
“Detailed Mapping of Sensory and Cognitive Information Across the Human Brain” – 10/11/13, CCBS Colloquium Series, with Psychology Department. Jack Gallant of University of California at Berkeley
“The Neural Basis of Brain-Computer Interface Control” – 6/27/2013, CCBS Colloquium Series. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
“Intuitive Dynamics in Human Object Perception” – 4/24/2013, CCBS Colloquium Series. Dr. Edward Vul of the University of California, San Diego
“Learning Abstract Representations of Structures in Natural Scenes” – 3/22/2013, CCBS Colloquium Series. Dr. Michael Lewicki of Case Western Reserve University
“I Would Know That Voice Anywhere!” – 2/15/2013, CCBS Colloquium Series. Dr. Robert E. Remez of Barnard College and Columbia University